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Investigative Materials Prize(資源の探索賞)




A collection of a series homeware made with discarded materials and objects from Netherlands. Many products in second-hand shops aren’t sold and are then sent to the incinerator. Erco Lai thus decided to give a new life to glass and ceramic products. For that, he developed new coatings made with waste minerals from Local.

What to design for a world of plenty? Natural resources are getting exhausted. Erco Lai believes in alternative ways designing, using what is already there. The response to our current context is a local and circular production.

オランダの廃棄された素材や物を使ったシリーズ・ホームウェアのコレクション。中古品店では多くの製品が売れず、焼却炉に送られてしまう。そこでErco Laiは、ガラスやセラミック製品に新しい命を与えることにしました。そのために、彼は地元から出る廃棄鉱物を使った新しいコーティング剤を開発したのです。

豊かな世界のために、何をデザインするか?天然資源は枯渇しつつある。Erco Laiは、すでにあるものを使って、別の方法でデザインすることを信じています。現在の状況に対応するのは、ローカルで循環型の生産です。


Mineralloop is a project about fixing minerals with minerals. This new technique is based on a material research of “Neostone”, also known as geopolymer, and is developed to give broken or imperfect glassware and ceramic a new touch, similar to kintsugi.

Erco Lai collected unwanted glassware from second-hand stores in the Netherlands and covered them with “Neosone” that he developed using mineral-based industrial waste, like marble powder from stone factories, limestone powder from quarries, sand from construction sites, lime pellets from the water softening process and glass chips from urban mining. This material doesn’t require firing or adding cements inside, and adds a new layer and feeling to the object.

Many products in second-hand shops aren’t sold and are then sent to the incinerator. The designer thus decided to give a new life to glass and ceramic’s products. For that, he developed this new craft to give them coatings made with waste minerals. Moreover, this will be a potential business model to run social enterprises.

What to design for a world of plenty? Natural resources are getting exhausted. Erco Lai believes in alternative ways of designing, using what is already there. This results in a local and circular production.


Erco Laiは、オランダの中古品店から不要なガラス製品を集め、石材工場から出る大理石の粉、採石場から出る石灰石の粉、建設現場から出る砂、軟水化工程から出る石灰ペレット、都市鉱山から出るガラスチップなどの鉱物系産業廃棄物を用いて開発した「ネオストーン」で覆いました。この素材は、内部に焼成やセメントを加える必要がなく、オブジェに新しい層と感覚を加えてくれるのです。


豊かな世界のために、何をデザインするか?天然資源は枯渇しつつあります。Erco Laiは、すでにあるものを使って、別の方法でデザインすることを信じています。その結果、ローカルで循環型の生産が可能になるのです。



Yeliz Mert

Global Landscapes Forum ナレッジシェアリングコーディネーター

Investigative Materials Prize(資源の探索賞)

I like this project because it opens doors to new possibilities that can change and adapt to the times' asthetic needs without causing wasteful harm on the way - that's mainly thanks to the nature of reusing the existing resources. Given that looking for virgin sources cause harm and unnecessary resource use, it's awesome that this project finds ways to mine it from existing sources. That's actually why I find this project so interesting: It sheds light on what's available to us in our proximity. Urban mining is a concept that can be developed so much further as a helpful instrument to help localizing our material cycles and lowering our impact.

Furthermore, this project has potential to build place-based relationships and community on the way, build consumer awareness on what urban mining is and what new ways we can think of engaging with raw materials.

I'm curious if this project considered creating exhibitons in schools, hospitals, train stations, public institutions... Because it has an artistic element which can help to communicate with others in a positive and intriguing ways.





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