• #plasticwaste
  • #material
  • #futurefood

Guilty Flavours

Eleonora Ortolani

  • #plasticwaste
  • #material
  • #futurefood


  • The Vulnerability of Innovation Prize
  • We are What we eat, What we throw away Award
  • 脱プラスチック賞
  • The Future of Food Sustainability Award





Judge’s Comments

Darlene Damm

Singularity University 学部議長、Community and Impact部門 元部長

The Vulnerability of Innovation Prize

We live on the cusp of using biotechnology to rebuild and redesign our world. While this holds great promise for solving environmental and social challenges, it also raises new questions. What is natural and unnatural? What is biological and what is material? What is healthy and unhealthy? What are the consequences of changing things? What are the consequences of not changing things? How much risk should we take? How much risk should we ask others to take? How do we not fear a future very different than our past? This project gently introduced these questions to the viewer. While much of the world engages in polarizing and destructive debate around technology and ethics, this project shows there is another way. We can experience and see possibilities for change and our future, while also remaining completely safe. I hope Eleanora will create other projects at the intersection of technology and ethics that allows more people to gently and safely explore the choices of our future.


廣末 幸子 / Sachiko Hirosue

株式会社大阪鉛錫精錬所 代表取締役社長

We are What we eat, What we throw away Award

A speculative art project that makes us have a good hard stare through the looking glass, this projects also has parallels with purifying sewage water for drinking, an unsavory but soon to become reality. To many, the concept itself (our waste as our nutrition) may be distasteful, but as a society, we have to admit that microplastics are already appearing in our food-chain and in our bodies.

The historical, socio-political and biotechnological aspects of the vanilla bean makes the choice of vanillin very appropriate, given the themes raised, "natural : artificial" intertwined with “mass produced : scarcely sourced”. The ubiquitous presence of vanillin has rendered the rare vanilla (bean-derived) to mean bland, common, basic. The petrochemically-derived vanillin as "vanilla" replaced the precious vanilla bean resulting in mass-consumption of vanilla aroma and flavours. Now people are trying to make biotechnological super-beans to make vanillin to swap out the petrochemicals.

If the PET-generated vanillin were super rare, only made in small quantities, will it have the preciousness of the original vanilla bean, even if the origins can be traced to petrochemicals? Or do we industrialize this process to produce the vanillin that has made the once precious vanilla, a common ingredient in our sweets? The fact that PET-derived vanillin can be industrialized raises philosophical questions and eybrows. Why does society always want to produce so much? To what extent do we want to pursue pleasures so that they become banal?


バニラビーンズの歴史的、社会政治的、バイオテクノロジー的な側面は、「天然 vs. 人工」と「大量生産 vs. 希少資源」というテーマが絡み合っていることを考えると、バニリンという素材の選択は非常に適切なものです。もともと希少だったバニラ(豆由来)は、今やどこにでもあるバニリンによって、「特徴のない、一般的な、基本的な」を意味するようになりました。石油化学由来のバニリンが「バニラ」として貴重なバニラビーンズに取って代わった結果、バニラの香りと風味が大量消費されるようになったのです。今、人々は石油化学製品に代わるバニリンを作るために、バイオテクノロジーを駆使してスーパービーンズを作ろうとしています。


成瀬 友梨 / Yuri Naruse

建築家 / 成瀬・猪熊建築設計事務所 共同主宰



David Tena Vicente

FabCafe Barcelona CEO

The Future of Food Sustainability Award

Guilty Flavours presents a revolutionary and experimental concept that reimagines the plastic waste problem through a radical yet intriguing lens. The project's vision of harnessing biochemical processes to convert plastic into edible substances is not just a creative endeavor but also a pragmatic solution to the global crisis of plastic pollution and a fundamental alteration of our relationship with plastic. The project has the potential to foster a new trend in research where we explore if we can transform what we previously considered harmful into new feasible solutions

Guilty Flavoursプロジェクトは、プラスチック廃棄物問題を過激で魅力的なレンズを通して再構築する、革命的かつ実験的なコンセプトを提示します。生化学的プロセスを利用してプラスチックを食用物質に変えるというこのプロジェクトのビジョンは、単に創造的な試みというだけでなく、プラスチック汚染という世界的な危機に対する現実的な解決策であり、プラスチックと私たちの関係を根本的に変えるものでもあります。このプロジェクトは、これまで有害だと考えられていたものを、実現可能な新たな解決策に変えることができるかどうかを探るという、研究の新たな潮流を育む可能性を秘めています。


Special Prize Winners