Beyond the circular economy. Mana Earthly Paradise with a social circular design

Earth Company


  • The Novices of Sais Prize





Judge’s Comments

Hiroki Tanahashi

Loftwork Inc. Innovation Maker

The Novices of Sais Prize

The Novices of Sais is an unfinished novel by the 18th Century German Romantic writer Novalis. Sais is an ancient Egyptian town where Osiris, the god of fertility and agriculture, is said to have been dismembered and buried by his brother Set. In the novel, Novalis attempts to define nature thus: "As the colors of the spirit merge into one, the individual natural objects and phenomena all merge more and more into one, taking on more and more perfect, more and more human forms, and flowing into these colors." This is the ideal state in which humans are at one with nature, just as Osiris was before he was torn apart by Set. I dream that my stay at the ethical hotel Mana Earthly Paradise will be similar to what Novalis wrote next: “To the people of days gone by, all things must have seemed human, familiar and intimate, and their eyes must have seen those things at their most vivid.”
