INOW is an educational program located in Kamikatsu, Tokushima, the famous “zero-waste” village of Japan. Having no central waste disposal system, Kamikatsu’s residents must separate their garbage into 45 different categories to be recycled instead. This unique setup draws international attention to the village, and INOW is here to provide visitors with the opportunity to experience Kamikatsu’s system for themselves. Through a ten-day program, intentionally long in order to let our guests “slow down” and feel integrated into the community, INOW’s base starts with “zero-waste” but quickly expands into exploring lost wisdom of the past.
Before the ubiquitous onset of capitalism led to our current linear economy, and globalization connected the world, there existed a circular economy in every local area. Before we had a convenience culture whereby commodities are simply purchased, things were made locally by hand. Much of this knowledge is still preserved, in the countryside. INOW’s aim is to introduce exceptional locals to our guests, teaching them skills in order to foster the continuation of an almost forgotten self-sufficiency. Through living, and eating, locally, against a backdrop of magnificent nature, INOW creates an experience that allows guests to take time to reflect mindfully about what it is in life they really need.