Kalaya Kovidvisith
FabCafe Bangkok Co-founder
Kalaya Kovidvisith is Co-founder of FabCafe Bangkok and Managing Director of FABLAB Thailand. She holds Master degree in Design and Computation from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Her research interests focus on how digital fabrication and biotechnology reinforce the changing relationship in industry and create the new business model for the next design generation. Kalaya is Global Entrepreneur Summit Delegate of 2015 and Asia Pacific Weeks Berlin 2016.
Judge’s selections
Green road offer an opportunity to absorb discarded plastic into country infrastructure and pave the better life of the country citizen.
Nornorn Health & Wellness IMPACT Prize
NornNorn not only helps us manage the largest bulky waste in our house, but also improve our health and wellness. The team also introduces subscription model as a way to disrupt the Take-make-dispose consumption of Bed & Mattress industry to a more circular and sustainable model.
Seaweed-based biopackaging: sustainable, compostable, circular, and edible
PT Seaweedtama Biopac Indonesia
Single-use food and drink packaging are 82% of plastic waste and filling up our oceans. With the rise of the pandemic and food delivery, Seaweed-based biopackaging is here to save the world with carbon sequestration, inexpensive price, harmless to environment and sustainable in mass scale.
SOS not only help reducing food waste, but also creating the social distribution system by aligning stakeholders and urban logistic to increase waste collection and cost reduction efficiency.