
9/28 Circular Design Scramble Vol.1

Circular Design Scramble Vol.1 will be held on September 28. This workshop is focused on working with others to generate ideas which will help realize a circular society.

To realize a circular economy, it is necessary to redesign the existing social system and supply chain from scratch.
The Circular Design Scramble is a workshop where participants representing various industries and professions form a team to create ideas for circular services for themselves, basing their ideas on the issues faced by the theme owner*, who is chosen from among the team members.

Event Information


September 28, 2021 (Tuesday) 2pm – 5:30pm


20 people *Please note: if there are too many attendees, participation will be decided via lottery.

Participation Fee

3,000 yen *A Peatix payment form will be sent after the deadline to those selected.

Participation Method

Zoom Meeting *We will use “Miro” for the workshop portion.

Target audience

Individuals from the private and public sphere in charge of business and service development related to the circular economy and SDGs. Individuals in charge of generating new business and creating innovation.




Loftwork Inc.