2024 Winners


Special Prize

Three prizes to honor those who strive
“Towards a Circular Bioeconomy”

See details


Statement from the Chairman of the crQlr Awards

Loftwork Inc. Sustainability Executive / FabCafe CCO / crQlr Awards Chairman

Kelsie Stewart

On behalf of the crQlr Awards, I extend my sincere gratitude to all applicants and the jury members for their thoughtful evaluations of this year's winning projects.

Over the past four years, the diversity of applicants to the crQlr Awards have reflected shifts in the implementation of the circular economy, which has been driven by shifting government policies, advancements in technology, and a growing consumer preference for products and services that align with their environmental values.

Alongside these influences, collaboration across sectors remains a key factor for the successful implementation of a circular economy to create closed-loop supply chains, invest in necessary infrastructure, and develop effective resource management systems. This year, through the crQlr Awards Special Prize, we considered nature -the original hero for creating and sustaining a truly regenerative system- as a powerful collaborative partner.

This year’s special winners pose thought-provoking questions that inspire a shift in mindset through their innovative approaches: How can human waste and other discarded materials create a new circular ecology which improves urban waste management while benefiting society? What if we could create wireless, environmental sensor devices that not only provide valuable data for monitoring biodiversity but also return fully to the earth after use? What if we could replace artificial lighting with sustainable, bioluminescent light produced by living organisms?

These projects not only expand the possibilities of innovation but also challenge us to reconsider our connection with nature, waste, and resources, fostering a profound shift towards a more regenerative system.

I would like to invite you to join us for the crQlr Exhibition 2025, which will be held at FabCafe Tokyo from March 6 to March 26th. Let’s come together to explore how refocusing our economy around nature and biological resources can lay the foundation for sustainable, long-lasting and diverse value creation.




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Award overview