• #Material

source of education

Takayama Shokai Corporation

  • #Material


  • Cultivating New Mindsets Prize





Judge’s Comments

Yeliz Mert

Knowledge Sharing Coordinator at Global Landscapes Forum

Cultivating New Mindsets Prize

This is a wonderful project! In a world where citizens are reduced to become consumers, this project is offering a new way of consuming and producing. And not only that, they are teaching children both of these ways of engaging with life early on so they develop a healthy relationship to both of these. Besides, engaging with craftsmanship early on, raising materials awareness in children who are exposed to lots of screens and helping them understand consequences of their actions as human beings in this world are all so -very- valuable. When I see an intentional and purposeful project like this one, where children are being introduced to responsible consumption and production and sustainable ways of thinking, I can only get hopeful for a better world.


Special Prize Winners