• #sustainablity
  • #circular-economy
  • #Bamboo

Toothpaste Paper & Bamboo Toothbrush as a earth friendly choice

HOWA.INC / MiYO Organic

  • #sustainablity
  • #circular-economy
  • #Bamboo


  • Eco Friendly Product Prize





Judge’s Comments

Noriko Ishizaka

President of Ishizaka Inc.

Eco Friendly Product Prize

Among so many products, here’s one with real global potential. Toothpaste Paper reduces plastic use by 98% and makes you wonder what would happen if we made the switch to paper worldwide. It’s also lighter and more portable, which can help to reduce the environmental impact of the hotel and travel industries. The idea of toothpaste that doesn’t come out of a tube has applications to other products such as paint. I wanted to try it for myself, but unfortunately it was sold out when I went to buy it. Hopefully there’s enough demand for it to reach the mass market in the future.


Special Prize Winners