Kelsie Stewart
FabCafe CCO (Chief Community Officer)
Born in the United States, graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelors of Science in Psychology (2009) and a Masters of Arts in Religion (2015). Kelsie has been in the specialty coffee world as a barista and espresso trainer since 2008 and was introduced to FabCafe as an espresso trainer through coffee friends shortly after FabCafe’s opening in 2012. She joined Loftwork and FabCafe in 2017.
Kelsie oversees the FabCafe Global network. In FabCafes across Asia, Europe and America, Kelsie strategizes and aligns Fab synergies to empower everyone to take the initiative to make and share their ideas with local and global communities. Kelsie is also the Tokyo organizer for the Global Goals Jam (GGJ), a two-day designathon and community which aims to create short term solutions for the Sustainable Development Goals. Kelsie has organized sustainability and design thinking workshops in Tokyo,
Judge’s selections
Leafy Green Energy Prize
The energy crisis is an issue that effects everyone of us, yet, we are also looking for small reminders that nature itself can provide perhaps all the answers to our issue. The botanical light is a beautifully design product that can remind us in our daily lives the potential solutions that exist in nature if we only take the time to look. I want to know about the scalability of this idea, if we could power several individual desks or other spaces with this soft light.
Community Design Prize
I was surpised to hear that 1/3 of food produced in Thailand is wasted. Even with meticulous planning, food waste at places with large gatherings of people such as hotel will not likely be a challenge that will soon be mitigated. the SOS Food Rescue Program is using this excess that would otherwise be wasted to feed over 500 hungry communities in a bottom-up, community-driven way. I am inspired by their collaboration with various stakeholders at different layers of the challenge.
Citizen Science Prize
Canari is a elegantly designed table lamp with a mission to inform us about existing air polution through bringing in data from trusted, open citizen science sites. Air pollution is a serious and deadly issue that has the potential of becoming a natural disaster. Making visible that which is often invisible is essential for making clear the demand clean air. Change is necessary at many parts of the supply chain, from the cutting of oxygen-providing trees, to the regulation of fossil fuel burning manufacturing industries. Canari shines light on the failings of a linear economy and the reality of our invisible environmental challenges.
Liquid Gold Prize
SOUJI's innovative solution for used cooking oil is a win, win, win from several perspectives. It tackles the issue of what to do with used cooking oil, which other blocks drainage systems and can sometimes be carcinogenic, while providing a cleaning product that otherwise must be packaged, shipping and delivered to a customer most often in a single use plastic container. It is these kinds of scientifically innovative yet very sensible solutions which will disrupt the linear economy and provide better solutions for our earth.
World's Most Beautiful Beaches Prize
Pollution caused by humans in coastal areas is a major issue that I have witnessed in my lifetime as someone who grew up around beaches. My hometown's beach has been affectionately called, "The World's Most Beautiful Beaches" and in Thailand, where Rice Husk Beach Toys has been produced, I have also experienced the joy of such beautiful beaches. Humans love to visit such beautiful beaches, in Thailand and in Florida, yet so many of us are not willing to give up cheap plastic beach toys, umbrellas, etc. that enrich our playful lives. I selected this prize because I hope in the future, with circular economy-inspired interventions, all beaches and coastal ecosystems can become as beautiful as they can possible be.