• #Circulation
  • #Regeneration
  • #Earth


JIEN LLP・遠野未来建築事務所

  • #Circulation
  • #Regeneration
  • #Earth


  • Living Loop Prize
  • Removing the Lid Prize




Judge’s Comments

Gregory Constantine

Air Company CEO兼創業者

Living Loop Prize

TOILETOWA offers a unique perspective on circularity by rethinking the role of everyday infrastructure in environmental regeneration. It challenges the conventional view of waste as something to be discarded or managed, instead presenting it as a resource that can be integrated into a larger ecological cycle. The project’s focus on transforming wastewater through complex fermentation and returning it to nourish local plants highlights how waste management can be both a functional and regenerative process, connecting people directly to the natural world in a way that is rarely done so visibly.

What I find particularly compelling is how TOILETOWA shifts the conversation from abstract sustainability concepts to hands-on, personal experiences. Visitors don’t just learn about the circular economy—they engage with it on a practical level, seeing how their own waste can be part of the regeneration of the land. This kind of direct interaction with sustainability principles is often missing from broader discussions, making this project not only educational but deeply engaging.

In a broader sense, TOILETOWA redefines what sustainable design can look like, moving away from high-tech, complex solutions and instead embracing the wisdom of traditional building techniques and local materials. It shows that sustainability doesn’t always need to be high-tech or global in scale; it can be local, deeply integrated into the community, and rooted in cultural knowledge.

従来、「廃棄物」は管理や処理の対象とされてきましたが、このプロジェクトはそれを「資源」 として捉え、より広い生態系のサイクルに統合するという新しい可能性を示しています。
特に、廃水を複雑な発酵プロセスを通じて浄化し、それを地域の植物の養分として還元する 取り組みは、廃棄物管理を機能的であると同時に再生的なプロセスへと進化させています。このアプローチは、普段意識されることの少ない廃棄物と自然世界とのつながりを、「目に見える形」 で示すことで、人々を自然と直接結びつける役割を果たしています。

このような直接的な関わり を通じて、持続可能性の原則が単なる議論の枠を超え、手触りのある「現実」として伝わるのです。こうした体験型のアプローチは、しばしば広範な議論から欠落しがちですが、TOILETOWAは教育的であると同時に、私たち一人ひとりにとって心に深く響く、エンゲージメントの場を創出しています。


浦野 奈美 / Nami Urano

FabCafe Kyoto マーケティングリーダー、SPCSコミュニティマネージャー

Removing the Lid Prize

With the advent of sewage systems, excrement has become invisible, making it difficult to even imagine how it is broken down. For too long, we've been focused on simply "covering up the stink." This alternative system, which keeps excrement in place rather than flushing it away, allows non-human organisms to break it down and transform it. By doing so, it may foster a sense of responsibility for the fate of something we'd rather ignore and offer an opportunity to rethink our relationship with non-human stakeholders.



Special Prize Winners