• #plastic recycling
  • #sustainable fashion
  • #material innovation
  • #waste management
  • #sustainable footwear


Thaely Pvt Ltd

  • #plastic recycling
  • #sustainable fashion
  • #material innovation
  • #waste management
  • #sustainable footwear


  • Walk a Mile Prize
  • Social and Environmental Justice Prize
  • #plastic recycling
  • #sustainable fashion
  • #material innovation
  • #waste management
  • #sustainable footwear





Judge’s Comments

David Benjamin

The Living / 創業者兼プリンシパル、コロンビア大学大学院建築・計画・保存研究科准教授

Walk a Mile Prize

This project is clear and compelling as well as beautiful and practical. It involves a new type of shoe made by hand from a small number of plastic bags and plastic bottles. It takes on the immense global topics of waste and plastics with local action and care and design. The product is impressive, and the approach to labor and consumption is equally profound. An old Native American proverb states, "You can't really understand another person's experience until you've walked a mile in their shoes." Like the proverb, this project encourages us to stop and reflect and observe, and then consider a whole new way of doing things—including sourcing materials, manufacturing, branding, packaging, selling, buying, wearing, and living.

その製品は印象的であり、労働や消費に対するアプローチもまた深遠です。ネイティブアメリカンのことわざに、「他人の経験を理解するには、その人の靴を履いて1マイル歩いてみよ」 という言葉がありますが、このプロジェクトも同様に、私たちに立ち止まり、世界を見つめ直すよう促します。それはまさに、素材の調達、製造、ブランディング、パッケージング、販売、購入、着用、さらには「生き方そのもの」 を問い直す、新しいやり方への探求です。

Maël Hénaff


Social and Environmental Justice Prize

The fashion industry faces challenges beyond just materials. Thaely recognises this and proposes a game-changing approach that considers the people involved in the sourcing and manufacturing processes, as well as the recycling systems.

In a world where numerous innovative materials are introduced to the market, ThaelyTex offers a viable solution that supports engaged communities while addressing the urgent issue of plastic waste. The brand effectively highlights the importance of contextualising design processes by creating products that meet local needs.



Special Prize Winners