• #Reuse
  • #ESG
  • #LCA

ReLink —建材リユースDXのプラットフォーム—


  • #Reuse
  • #ESG
  • #LCA


  • Opalis Award
  • Collective Building





Judge’s Comments

Renaud Haerlingen

建築家、Rotor元プリンシパル、Rotor Deconstruction 共同創業者

Opalis Award

I wish to christen this award under the Opalis umbrella in recognition of the resonating undertaking of pointing these remarkable companies on the map of Japan. Opalis.eu, an anagram of Spolia - the roman practice of repurposing architectural stones - is an online directory of reclaimed materials resellers recognized as a milestone for supporting circular schemes in the construction sector.

The possibility of reuse in architecture implies, on one hand, a proper handling of the end-of-life of a construction, backed by adequate assessments, and on the other hand the integration of materials that are not new into a design and a building process. However small, marginal, or focused on antiques, the professional companies trading reused materials are faced with the full spectrum of economic viability and are dealing with the challenge of moving, storing and preparing construction materials. For these reasons, they are the experts to count on at a time to regrow these meaningful practices

この賞を「Opalis」の名のもとに贈りたいと思います。それによって、日本におけるこれらの素晴らしい企業を地図上に示すという意義深い取り組みを讃えたいと思います。Opalis.eu は「Spolia」(古代ローマにおける建築石材の再利用という伝統)のアナグラムであり、建設業界における循環型の取り組みを支援するリサイクル資材販売業者のオンラインディレクトリとして重要なマイルストーンとなっています。


廣末幸子 / Sachiko Hirosue

株式会社大阪鉛錫精錬所 代表取締役社長

Collective Building

Connecting demolition pieces and surplus supplies to designers provides a direct path for materials to find a new life in the circular economy. The team aims to make a sharing community, the next step being, convincing individual stakeholders to join their vision. Very exciting project, would love to see this happen. The project would benefit from support on the business development and marketing or rather, community development.



Special Prize Winners