• #pisssoap
  • #regenerativedesign
  • #ecodeviance

Piss Soap

Arthur Guilleminot

  • #pisssoap
  • #regenerativedesign
  • #ecodeviance


  • Design for Debate Prize
  • This is creative value shift Prize





Judge’s Comments

Maël Hénaff


Design for Debate Prize

Piss Soap's success hinges on tackling the issue of waste material and fostering a meaningful conversation about how human waste can be beneficial today and in the future.

Piss Soap emphasises the importance of understanding the materials we encounter in our daily lives, their history, and the taboos associated with them. By doing so, Piss Soap aims to design solutions and materials that are mindful of their context.

This initiative not only offers a way to recycle human waste but also provides an opportunity to reconsider our relationship with the materials that surround us and the stigmas attached to them.

Piss Soapの成功は、廃棄物の問題に取り組むと同時に、人間の排出物が現在そして未来にどのように有益となり得るかについて、意味のある対話を生み出すことにかかっています。
このプロジェクトは、私たちが日常で接する素材の成り立ちや背景、そしてそれにまつわるタブーを理解することの重要性を強調しています。この視点を通じて、Piss Soapは状況や文脈に配慮した素材やソリューションをデザインすることを目指しています。

浦野 奈美 / Nami Urano

FabCafe Kyoto マーケティングリーダー、SPCSコミュニティマネージャー

This is creative value shift Prize

The existence of pee and poo is unique. While they are often seen as representative of "dirty" things, simply saying these words tends to make both adults and children smile. Although we generally dislike them, perhaps we also feel a certain attachment to them because they come from our own bodies. This project creatively and charmingly shifts perspectives by turning pee into soap, transforming something "dirty" into something clean. Using a natural material readily available even in urban environments lacking natural resources is both clever and resourceful. It’s a little unsettling, but it’s also a catchy and intriguing concept that walks a fine line—and one I’d like to try making myself.



Special Prize Winners