LightEd is a groundbreaking initiative dedicated to addressing energy poverty and promoting sustainability through circular economy principles. Founded in 2020, LightEd transforms waste materials like plastic and e-waste into renewable energy products, offering clean, affordable energy solutions to underserved communities, including refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs), and rural populations across Africa.
Our innovative product lineup includes the Glow Lamp, a modular solar lamp made from recycled plastic and e-waste, which empowers users to build their own energy solutions using 3D printing. We also developed LightEd Pud, a solar home system with attachable battery packs designed to power small businesses, schools, and households. In addition, The LightHouse serves as a solar-powered community charging station, providing clean energy access to up to 3,000 people, enabling them to charge mobile devices and other electronics.
LightEd’s commitment to circular economy principles is at the core of our operations. By utilizing waste as a resource, we reduce environmental pollution while creating life-changing products. Our projects not only tackle energy poverty but also promote self-reliance, sustainability, and economic resilience.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we introduced LiteAir, a hybrid lighting and air purification solution made from recycled materials, designed for rural healthcare centers. This innovation ensured safer, healthier environments during the global health crisis.
Our impact spans over 26,000 individuals, and with the continued support of global partnerships, LightEd aims to scale our efforts, promoting a future where sustainable energy is accessible to all.
当社の革新的な製品ラインナップには、リサイクル・プラスチックと電子廃棄物から作られたモジュール式ソーラー・ランプであるグロー・ランプがあります。また、中小企業や学校、家庭の電力供給用に設計された、取り付け可能なバッテリーパックを備えたソーラー・ホーム・システム、LightEd Pudも開発した。さらに、LightHouseは太陽光発電コミュニティ充電ステーションとして機能し、最大3,000人にクリーン・エネルギー・アクセスを提供し、携帯機器やその他の電子機器の充電を可能にしている。
LightEd was born out of a pressing need to address two major challenges facing African communities: energy poverty and environmental waste. Founded in 2020 by Stanley Anigbogu, the project was inspired by the struggles of millions of people in refugee camps, rural areas, and underserved communities who lack access to reliable electricity. At the same time, Stanley saw the growing problem of plastic and electronic waste polluting these same areas. LightEd emerged as a way to tackle both of these issues simultaneously.
The idea was simple yet revolutionary: What if waste materials could be transformed into life-saving energy solutions? This vision led to the creation of LightEd’s first product, the Glow Lamp—a solar-powered lamp made entirely from recycled plastic and e-waste. The design is modular, allowing users to build their own lamps using 3D printing technology, creating a solution that is not only sustainable but also empowering.
LightEd expanded its product line with the LightEd Pud, a solar home system that provides scalable energy solutions for homes, schools, and businesses. The LightHouse, a community solar charging station, was developed to bring clean energy access to entire communities, powering mobile devices and small electronics for up to 3,000 people at a time.
The mission of LightEd is rooted in the principles of the circular economy—turning waste into a valuable resource while promoting sustainability. Through innovation, LightEd is not only reducing environmental impact but also helping to lift communities out of poverty by providing the energy they need to thrive. Today, LightEd continues to grow, with the goal of reaching millions of people and making clean energy a reality for all.
そのアイデアはシンプルでありながら画期的だった:廃棄物を、生命を救うエネルギー・ソリューションに変えることができるとしたら?このビジョンは、LightEd社の最初の製品であるGlow Lampの誕生につながった。Glow Lampは、リサイクル・プラスチックと電子廃棄物のみで作られたソーラー・ランプである。デザインはモジュール式で、ユーザーは3Dプリンティング技術を使って自分のランプを作ることができる。
LightEd社は、家庭、学校、企業向けに拡張可能なエネルギー・ソリューションを提供するソーラー・ホーム・システム、LightEd Pudで製品ラインを拡大した。コミュニティ・ソーラー充電ステーションであるLightHouseは、コミュニティ全体にクリーンなエネルギー・アクセスをもたらすために開発され、一度に最大3,000人分のモバイル機器や小型電子機器に電力を供給する。
The Living / 創業者兼プリンシパル、コロンビア大学大学院建築・計画・保存研究科准教授
This project guides us like a North Star or a lantern. With inspiring vision and clever execution, the project starts with electronic waste and plastic waste, then transforms the waste into solar LED lighting. It is a model for making something useful out of limited resources. In addition, the project engages the topic of scaling up and making a broad impact. Noting that over 600 million people in Africa lack electricity and use harmful alternatives, inventor Stanley Chidubem Anigbogu has created a product with the potential to transform many lives. The project also involves an amazing personal story and an educational component to amplify not only the product but the approach to sustainability and transformation.
このプロジェクトの核心は、スケールアップの可能性と広範な影響力を探る点にあります。アフリカでは、6億人以上が電力を利用できず、有害な代替手段に依存している現状があります。この状況を背景に、発明者スタンリー・チドゥベム・アニグボグ(Stanley Chidubem Anigbogu)は、数多くの命を変革する可能性を秘めた製品を生み出しました。
Futurity Systems CEO兼共同創業者
While there are many existing solutions and similar projects in the market, this project is commendable for its vision to holistically integrate need, community, and solution. I appreciate that intention to address energy poverty through the use of waste materials shows a good understanding of circular economy principles. The project’s emphasis on community engagement and empowerment, particularly through modular, user-assembled products and education programs like LightEd Kids, reflects a well-rounded and scalable strategy for social impact.
I appreciate that LightEd creates practical solutions for underserved populations but also fosters awareness and skill development, and making sustainability concepts accessible and actionable. Its ability to repurpose waste into renewable energy solutions aligns well with the objectives of regenerating ecosystems and empowering communities. I feel that this initiative exemplifies the type of innovation and societal benefit that merits recognition here.
市場には類似のソリューションやプロジェクトが数多く存在するものの、このプロジェクトが際立っているのは、「ニーズ」「コミュニティ」「ソリューション」 を包括的に統合するビジョンにあります。廃棄材料を活用し、エネルギー貧困という現実的な課題に向き合う姿勢は、循環型経済の原則を深く理解していることの証左だと言えるでしょう。
特に、モジュール型のユーザー組立式製品 や LightEd Kids のような教育プログラムを通じて、コミュニティへの関与とエンパワーメントに力を入れている点は高く評価されます。このアプローチは社会的インパクトを拡張しつつ、スケーラビリティを確保する、実にバランスの取れた戦略です。
この取り組みは、単なる技術革新に留まらず、「社会に恩恵をもたらすイノベーション」 の真髄を示しており、ここで認められるにふさわしい事例だと感じます。
Air Company CEO兼創業者
LightEd is an inspiring and impactful initiative that creatively tackles two of the most pressing global challenges—energy poverty and environmental waste—through the lens of circular economy. By transforming plastic and e-waste into renewable energy products, LightEd not only addresses the growing issue of waste but also provides clean, affordable energy to underserved communities, particularly refugees and rural populations in Africa.
What stands out most is LightEd's approach to ""People."" The project is empowering individuals by giving them the tools to create their own energy solutions, like the modular Glow Lamp made from recycled materials. This focus on DIY innovation, combined with educational programs like LightEd Kids, ensures that communities gain valuable skills and become active participants in building a sustainable future.
On the ""Planet"" front, the environmental impact is clear: LightEd reduces waste, cuts carbon emissions, and promotes circular practices in a tangible, measurable way. What's also impressive is the project's sustainable business model. By balancing affordability with profitability, LightEd is not only creating solutions for today but also building a foundation for long-term, scalable impact. This combination of innovation, sustainability, and social responsibility makes LightEd a standout and deserving candidate for the crQlr Awards.
プラスチックや電子廃棄物を再生可能エネルギー製品へと変換することで、増大する廃棄物問題の解決を図るだけでなく、アフリカの難民や農村部といった支援が行き届きにくいコミュニティに対して、クリーンで手頃なエネルギー を提供しています。
このプロジェクトは、モジュール式のGlow Lamp のようにリサイクル素材を活用したエネルギーソリューションを自ら生み出せるツールを提供することで、人々をエンパワーしています。DIY型のイノベーションを軸に、LightEd Kids のような教育プログラムを組み合わせることで、コミュニティは貴重なスキルを身につけ、持続可能な未来の構築における「能動的な参加者」 となるのです。
廃棄物の削減、炭素排出のカット、そして循環型の実践を具体的かつ測定可能な形で推進しています。さらに注目すべきは、持続可能なビジネスモデルです。手頃な価格と収益性のバランス を取ることで、LightEdは現代の課題に対応するだけでなく、長期的かつスケーラブルなインパクトの基盤を築いています。
革新性、持続可能性、そして社会的責任を見事に融合させたこのプロジェクトは、LightEdが他を一歩抜きん出た存在であること を証明しており、crQlr Awardsにふさわしい候補だと確信します。
FabCafe Kuala Lumpur 共同創業者
This project is a brilliant example of how sustainability and social impact can go hand in hand. By recycling materials like plastic bottles and electronic waste, the initiative not only tackles the growing concerns of waste management but also provides a practical solution for marginalized communities. This innovative approach demonstrates how the principles of the circular economy—reusing, recycling, and reducing—can be applied to create real-world solutions that benefit people and the planet.
この革新的なアプローチは、再利用、リサイクル、削減 という循環型経済の原則を実践し、人と地球双方に恩恵をもたらす現実的なソリューションを生み出しています。
廃棄物から水素、水素から再生可能エネルギーへ 【ごみZEROプロジェクトBIOTECHWORKS-H2】
ETH Zurich, Chair of Circular Engineering for Architecture and ETH Zurich, Chair of Architectural Behaviorology
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