Cecilia Tham
Futurity Systems CEO兼共同創業者
起業家精神、テクノロジー、サイエンス、デザインが交差する分野で数十年の経験を持ち、Futuriity Systemsの創設者兼CEOとして、「Future as a Service」を提供することで企業や組織がより良い未来を迅速に、協力して構築することに取り組んでいる。現在、イリノイ工科大学でデザイン・フューチャーズの博士論文を執筆中。
ハーバード大学でデザインを学んだデザイナーであり、ヨーロッパ初のムーンショット工場であるAlpha Telefonicaにおける元ソーシャル・テクノロジストであると同時に、Makers of Barcelona、FabCafe、allWomen.techなど複数の会社を設立した連続起業家でもある。 国連世界食糧計画X、SXSWのアドバイザーを務め、以前はバルセロナ市政府や他の民間企業でも活躍した。
AWS Global Disruptor Award 2022、WEDO Women Pioneer Award 2022の受賞者であり、Forbes Top 40 Futurists 2022、100 Most Influential Women Europe、100 Women of the Futureに選ばれている。Futurity Systems社は、ファスト・カンパニー・イノベーション・バイ・デザイン賞(2022年)、ラヴィ賞(2022年)を受賞している。
Judge’s selections
Greendata Prize
This project demonstrates a deeply considered approach to addressing the growing issue of e-waste while enabling vital environmental monitoring. The concept of ""return to the soil"" sensors made from cellulose nanofibers is a compelling response to the dual challenges of sustainability and functionality. By relying on plant-derived materials that can biodegrade naturally, the project aligns well with the principles of a circular economy, providing a meaningful alternative to traditional sensors that contribute to electronic waste.
The focus on enabling hyper-dense sensor deployment without ecological harm is particularly impressive and presents significant potential for applications in agriculture, environmental conservation, and urban management. The use of cellulose nanofibers as a base material also highlights the innovative integration of advanced material science with ecological considerations. But the scalability of production and the economic feasibility of these sensors remain critical obstacles to address.
I am impressed and inspired by the ambition of this project to harmonize technology with natural ecosystems, and it is a thought-provoking perspective on sustainable sensor development.
しかし、生産のスケーラビリティ と 経済的な実現可能性 は依然として克服すべき重要な課題と言えるでしょう。
BrightLife Prize
While there are many existing solutions and similar projects in the market, this project is commendable for its vision to holistically integrate need, community, and solution. I appreciate that intention to address energy poverty through the use of waste materials shows a good understanding of circular economy principles. The project’s emphasis on community engagement and empowerment, particularly through modular, user-assembled products and education programs like LightEd Kids, reflects a well-rounded and scalable strategy for social impact.
I appreciate that LightEd creates practical solutions for underserved populations but also fosters awareness and skill development, and making sustainability concepts accessible and actionable. Its ability to repurpose waste into renewable energy solutions aligns well with the objectives of regenerating ecosystems and empowering communities. I feel that this initiative exemplifies the type of innovation and societal benefit that merits recognition here.
市場には類似のソリューションやプロジェクトが数多く存在するものの、このプロジェクトが際立っているのは、「ニーズ」「コミュニティ」「ソリューション」 を包括的に統合するビジョンにあります。廃棄材料を活用し、エネルギー貧困という現実的な課題に向き合う姿勢は、循環型経済の原則を深く理解していることの証左だと言えるでしょう。
特に、モジュール型のユーザー組立式製品 や LightEd Kids のような教育プログラムを通じて、コミュニティへの関与とエンパワーメントに力を入れている点は高く評価されます。このアプローチは社会的インパクトを拡張しつつ、スケーラビリティを確保する、実にバランスの取れた戦略です。
この取り組みは、単なる技術革新に留まらず、「社会に恩恵をもたらすイノベーション」 の真髄を示しており、ここで認められるにふさわしい事例だと感じます。
Regen Prize
This project is really well-constructed and what a thoughtful initiative that addresses two critical challenges: the need for sustainable raw materials and the disposal of bio-waste. The use of fallen leaves as a renewable source for paper and packaging shows the viabliity of circular economy and a true example of sustainable business practices.
The project’s ability to turn a widely available resource, such as fallen leaves, into a high-value product is commendable. While seasonality poses a potential challenge, the team’s strategy for processing and storing leaves to ensure a consistent supply is a practical and effective solution.
It is particularly impressive that such a young entrepreneur has developed a solid business model with partnerships involving major global brands. The approach not only reduces deforestation but also contributes to carbon savings and recyclable end products, showcasing its potential for meaningful environmental and economic impact. For me, this is an inspiring example of innovation meeting sustainability.
このプロジェクトが、ありふれた資源である落ち葉を高付加価値の製品へと昇華させる手腕は見事です。季節性 という課題は避けられないものの、葉を効率的に処理・保存し、安定供給を可能にするチームの戦略は実に実践的かつ効果的です。
EcoMobility Prize
If the material science behind this project proves accurate, and these white tires demonstrate measurable environmental benefits in both production and usage, the impact could be transformative. The global scale of tire usage—considering the billions of vehicles in operation and the frequency of tire replacements over their lifetimes—presents a huge opportunity for reducing environmental harm.
The approach to replace petroleum-derived carbon black with cellulose nanofibers in order to reduce CO2 emissions during manufacturing and disposal is really intelligent, and it addresses the pressing problem of marine microplastics resulting from tire dust (I would love to learn the magnitude of this problem of the tire dust). The potential to create biodegradable tires that integrate seamlessly into natural ecosystems represents a significant step forward in circular economy innovation. I feel that if this is successfully implemented, this technology could redefine industry practices while significantly reducing the ecological footprint of tires, marking a substantial contribution to global sustainability efforts. This innovation has the potential to be a game changer for the automotive and materials industries.
Regen Prize
This project shows an innovative approach to addressing both wool waste and plastic pollution as well as using wool’s natural properties, such as elasticity and cushioning, and it is a compelling alternative to traditional plastic bubble wrap.
However, it’s important to note that there are already many existing alternatives to plastic bubble wrap in the market. Differentiating your solution in terms of cost, performance, and environmental benefits will be critical to standing out. Additionally, the added weight of wool packaging could increase logistics emissions, which may impact its overall environmental footprint. Supply and demand viability might also pose challenges, particularly given the seasonal and geographic limitations of wool availability.
Despite these considerations, Woola's commitment to ethical sourcing, fair labor practices, and circular economy principles is admirable. These points have the potential to make a meaningful impact by addressing plastic waste while supporting underutilized resources and local communities.