Yeliz Mert
Global Landscapes Forum ナレッジシェアリングコーディネーター
社会的イノベーション、起業家、コミュニティ活動、エコシステム構築の経験を持つ、ソーシャルデザイナーかつカタリスト。リジェネラティブ農業、サーキュラーエコノミー、気候変動対策、多様性とインクルージョンの分野において、10年以上に渡り知見を重ねる。 現在、Global Landscapes Forumのナレッジシェアリング・コーディネーターとして、デジタルスペースを活用して世界中のランドスケープ回復の取り組みを強化し、知識の共有から現場での行動につなげるための道筋をつくっている。 以前はB Lab Europeで、ネットワーク管理、戦略、気候変動対策などを担当。また、Impact Hub Amsterdamでコミュニティカタリストとして活動し、ナチュラルスキンケアのビジネスを立ち上げた。持続可能な開発の修士号と、産業工学の学士号を取得している。 ポジティブな未来に向けて、コラボレーションの力を強く信じて活動している。
Judge’s selections
Next Generation Renewables Prize(次世代再生エネルギー賞)
Best Bridge Builder Prize(ベストな橋渡し役賞)
Food waste reduction, (agricultural) material valuation and building collaborative capacity are valuable approaches towards tackling important issues connected to economical activities which affect ecological wellbeing. Decreasing food waste and better utilization of existing agricultural resources would help easing the pressure on land for more (food) production (from rice husks for paper to vegetable scraps for dye).
And in the process, these approaches can create awareness among economical players for better operational processes and business models, as this project has a particularly collaborative character. I think this very point makes this project standout. I really appreciate that the project is willing to take a co-created approach (which is not always easy!) and that it's building an ecosystem by connecting different players. We really need organizations which are investing their human resources and time into building collaborative capacity with others. There is no other way, of course. We need to work together to make use of each other's skills, processes, machineries, so we can collectively change our production systems into integrated and connected ones. This in itself is another way of going 'no waste'. :)
Building and maintaining relationships with others is so important in creating a circular economy system. This becomes especially tangible and strong when there is a common regional area where these players operate, which can help them build ties to each other, their natural environment and the society around it. I'm curious if you thought how you want to build and cherish your (business) relationships and build a regional connection?
Renewed Tech Relationship Prize(テックと人との結びつきを再考賞)
While we started discussing fashion and food waste more and more, we're still slow in responding to the growing wicked problem of technological waste. Few companies take responsibility on the problem and offer solutions. Repair, take back and upcycling services are particularly important when it comes to technological products, because they aren't easily fixed by the consumers themselves.
It's responsible of this company to provide that additional service and sort out its own waste stream by upcycling. Using art as a way of enhancing the products also shows you how creativity can bring new life to an old product that could be easily thrown away in today's world.
It would be interesting to learn more about how much of their sales are upcycled this way to see its real impact.
Investigative Materials Prize(資源の探索賞)
I like this project because it opens doors to new possibilities that can change and adapt to the times' asthetic needs without causing wasteful harm on the way - that's mainly thanks to the nature of reusing the existing resources. Given that looking for virgin sources cause harm and unnecessary resource use, it's awesome that this project finds ways to mine it from existing sources. That's actually why I find this project so interesting: It sheds light on what's available to us in our proximity. Urban mining is a concept that can be developed so much further as a helpful instrument to help localizing our material cycles and lowering our impact.
Furthermore, this project has potential to build place-based relationships and community on the way, build consumer awareness on what urban mining is and what new ways we can think of engaging with raw materials.
I'm curious if this project considered creating exhibitons in schools, hospitals, train stations, public institutions... Because it has an artistic element which can help to communicate with others in a positive and intriguing ways.
Cultivating New Mindsets Prize(新たなマインドセット育成賞)
This is a wonderful project! In a world where citizens are reduced to become consumers, this project is offering a new way of consuming and producing. And not only that, they are teaching children both of these ways of engaging with life early on so they develop a healthy relationship to both of these. Besides, engaging with craftsmanship early on, raising materials awareness in children who are exposed to lots of screens and helping them understand consequences of their actions as human beings in this world are all so -very- valuable. When I see an intentional and purposeful project like this one, where children are being introduced to responsible consumption and production and sustainable ways of thinking, I can only get hopeful for a better world.