Richie Lin
MUME Hospitality Group 創業者&CEO / MUME 料理長
香港生まれ。オーストラリア・シドニーのレストラン「Quay」でエグゼクティブシェフのピーター・ギルモアとシェフのカイ・ワードのもとでキャリアをスタート。香港での困難ながらも学びがあった、「Quay」オープニングの後に、自身の夢に挑戦することを決意。豊富にあって手つかず、かつ過小評価されている台湾の地域資源を、シェフ達とともに、モダンなヨーロッパの調理技術によって変身させた。 2014年に台北に最初のレストラン「MUME」をオープン。地元のフードサプライチェーンをサポートし、地元の小規模で持続可能な農家、漁師、食品生産者と協力し、台湾独自の要素を開発・発見することに取り組んでいる。メニューには、台湾の最高品質の食材を使用し、革新的な調理技術によって変貌を遂げている。 MUMEは2019年に「台湾のベストレストラン」を受賞し、権威ある「アジア50ベストレストラン賞」で7位にランクイン。サステナブルレストラン協会による今年のアジアベストレストラン50にて「2022年サステナブルレストラン賞」を受賞。
Judge’s selections
MMHG Energy Prize(MMHG エネルギー賞)
This is a deeply meaningful project, because solar energy has longtime been regarded as an essential source of energy. If the production of solar energy can be successfully increased, it will not only reduce the use of oil, but also create energy in an environmentally friendly way. The most important part for its continued use is that energy is properly collected from nature, and we feel that the project has done quite well in that aspect, and that there is high room for development in the present or in the future.
MMHG ZeroWaste Prize(MMHG ゼロウエイスト賞)
This project presents a creative solution based on a zero-waste solution with a high potential for adaptation & application. I love the idea of using upcycled leftover apples, or waste products from the local juice and cider industries to create a new alternative material for leather that can be used in both our work and daily products.
MMHG Better Living Prize(MMHG より良い生活賞)
This project has impressed me deeply. It has the potential to improve housing conditions in rural areas in the future. I believe that an extremely important factor in sustainable projects is that, in addition to generating new value, they tackle current social issues. Sargablock is not only a very practical solution, but also a flexible one with the potential to be widely applied in the future to help alleviate international social problems. It is a very good project.
MMHG Fashion Prize(MMHG ファッション賞)
t would be a great idea to take the materials from nature, not just to recycle clothes, but also to create new materials. I also hope that this technology can be applied in more fields and help reduce the amount of plastic used while taking into account fashion and sustainability.
MMHG Upcycle Prize(MMHG アップサイクル賞)
Food waste has always been a frequently asked question in our society, and this project tackles the problem in a creative way by taking wasted food and re-valuing it in the form of new products. At the same time, it is crucially important to develop multiple practical products for consumers to use on a daily basis! Making use of what was originally regarded as waste, recycling it to give it a new value, and attracting consumers to buy and use it: this is truly a sustainable system!