Mitchell van Dooijeweerd
DGTL Festival / Revolution Foundation サステナビリティ・マネージャー
レボリューション財団のサステナビリティ・マネージャー。フェスティバルを、都市環境において循環型社会を目指していくリビングラボにすることをビジョンとし、政府、自治体、イノベーターと協力しながら多様なシステムを取りまとめている。世界で最も持続可能なフェスティバルとして表彰された「DGTL Festival」を開催するほか、世界中のイベントで導入されている持続可能で循環型のシステムを構築。また、Material & Carbon Flow Analysisツール「Flux」の共同開発者でもある。データに基づいた意思決定を行いながら、複雑なアイデアを分かりやすく説明することを得意とする。
Judge’s selections
Food 2050 Prize(2050年のフード賞)
The current food system is not sustainable. Worldwide, too much (40%) of produced food is thrown away, while we are using too much land, water and energy and we need animals to feed people. We need to be more efficient, forward thinking and carefull with our resources. We need innovation and 2050 thinkers in this world to inspire others and shape the world differently.
Landless food is a project that inspires and really adopt a different strategy, which is beyond circular. Circularity is not enough, culture is very important and we need to find ways to lower the impacts of the foodsystem, while creating state of the art experiences and tastes.
Landless Foodは、循環型のさらに先の、異なる戦略を採用するよう促しています。このプロジェクトにおいては、循環型だけでは不十分で、文化が非常に重要であり、現代のフードシステムへの負担の低減につながる、最先端の食事体験と味覚を創造する必要があるのです。
Resource Education Award(資源に関する学び賞)
Waste is a big problem in the world, but nodody knows how to solve it yet. We as consumers can make it easier for processors by seperating our household waste. Education is key in this transition, creating collective effort and a shared responsibility. We need one-click/one-stop solutions like Trashpedia to share knowledge and create this movement. Nowadays people are not informed sufficient to know how they can reduce their household waste or at companies. Next to that, there needs to be more transparency in the processing sector too, Trashpedia could help with that transition too. Trashpedia is local yet, but it could be applied globally too.
Bio Design Prize(バイオデザイン賞)
I love it when innovation, education and playing comes together. Especially when it we see it in a context as the airbubble.
We all acknowledge that we are only part of an interconnected web of life, and that all of our actions have consequences. Try to leave a trace, a positive trace. While you are playing in the airbubble, you are regenerating the environment. That’s a win-win for nature and for people, that’s what we need to accomplish in the coming years. Bring people and nature closer to each other so we become connected again.
Mitchell van Dooijeweerd DGTL Festival / Revolution Foundation サステナビリティ・マネージャー Rethink Fast-fashion Prize(ファストファッション再考賞)
It is obvious that in our consumption obsessed culture, clothing is one of the aspects that is overused the most. Clothes are bought and thrown away without a second thought or are barely worn and lie in your closet for years. Billions of pieces of clothing are being incinerated after a lot of resources were used to produce them and transport them. Machi Closet tackles this issue by centering the community in a sector that heavily relies on individualism. Almost like a clothing rental service, that also increases the quality of your unused products through upcycling. Even if the clothes are used, you can still have new outfits on a constant rotation: because at the end of the day, you don’t wear everything you own all the time. So, this sustainable solution also gives you the opportunity to be inspired every time you look in your closet.
Decolor Without Waste Award(捨てずに無地に戻す賞)
Great innovation! I am looking for this kind of innovations already for years. Clothing waste and fast fashion issue is huge, this can help the industry a lot.
Big events are using printed clothes for crew, with a logo or name on the t-shirt. Nowadays we couldn’t reuse them for the next years, when we would change the logo’s. In this case we can buy shirts and use it for multiple events during the year. If this is something that can be done quick and relatively cheap, this will be a great innovation for the transition towards a more sustainable fashion industry.