Cecilia Tham
Futurity Studio / フューチャー・シンセシスト & プリンシパル
Futurity Studioにて、企業の未来のアイデアやプロトタイプの作成を促進する、フューチャー・シンセシスト。 Alpha Telefonica Innovationにて、シニア・ソーシャル・テクノロジストを務めた。 起業家として数々の多様な企業を創設しており、バルセロナ最大のコワーキングコミュニティであるMOBをはじめ、デジタルファブリケーションラボとコーヒーショップを融合させたFabCafe Barcelona、女性による女性のためのAIトレーニングスクールallwomen.techなどを創設している。また、UNDP + 4YFN Women Innovator Programme、WFP-X、Google Launchpadのメンターや、バルセロナ市役所のアドバイザーを務めている。
Judge’s selections
Impossible Materials - Producing cellulose white pigments as a sustainable alternative to titanium dioxide
Impossible Materials
I really like the premise of this project, to use plant-based materials over highly processed and toxic chemical ingredients that are hard to breakdown. As we are understanding more and more about what nature offers, and as we have more and more data on how to best match our needs to biomaterials, will can start creating far more sustainable consumption models. Furthermore, material innovation can impact a great deal because they are the building blocks of our production and consumption. I am hopeful that this project can carry beyond TiO2 replacement and expand to other chemicals as well.
This project is wonderfully designed and unexpectedly addressing many level of societal bias and complexity. Period poverty especially in developing countries can definitely impact a great deal those that are affected. And being able to design with sustainability and contextural limitation on top makes this project even more amazing.
Consumers are limited in their ability to make responible choices because of the opacity of the supply chain. The problem is exacerbated with the increasing complexity of sources, suppliers, and global distributors as well as other middle man and logistics. The ability to make the traceable and transparent will help consumers make better choices.
Biochar has so much potential and we are just beginning to understand and apply this technology. This project applies oxygen braising and carbonisation to create wood vinegar as a by-product of vine pruning is brilliant in that it is truly circular, with biochar providing benefits to the soil, the plant, the planet as well as the farmers.
I think it is absolutely brilliant to design using bacterial as a medium. I definitely think that this can open up a lot of possibilities in new ecomaterials.